How the bloody fuck is an old Colonel Sanders-looking white dude — the actual fucking patriarch of a dying, ancestrally inbred colonial legacy tribe, who has roundly rejected his slave-owning, hard-drinking, profoundly racist, sexist and misogynistic upbringing and morphed into a culture-misappropriating, severely iconoclastic, lesbophilic anarchist — supposed to behave during this new “golden age” of bro-tastic Fountainhead techno-capitalism?
No idea … yet. It’s still early.
When I was was a teenager during the mid-1960s, my “nation,” the erstwhile “United” States of America, revealed itself to me as mostly a wishful construct: a mountain of propaganda and cultural effluvium designed to obscure a soul-crushing regime of enforced dependence on a duplicitous, rapaciously greedy and violently destructive ownership class.
Don’t get me wrong: I never was and I still am not a believer in communist methodology or any sort of “revolution” as a response to out-of-control British Empire-style crony capitalism, with its attendant evils of excessive interest, political and corporate corruption, subsidized fraud, wealth hoarding, market manipulation, economic subversion, surveillance statism, endless warmongering for profit, etc.
But I’ve been cornered by long experience into being pessimistic, to a fault. I don’t believe that humans — in that we are insufficiently evolved apes subject to vestigial behavioral influences that can be adversely affected by things like the weather, how much someone ate for lunch and where the fucking moon is on any given day — are capable of not screwing up. I don’t think we have the intellectual, emotional and organizational capacity to fairly and peacefully manage even small clusters of ourselves or make rational, long range decisions, much less handle the counterproductive intrigues of companies, towns, political parties, mafias, nations or empires.
My natural skepticism regarding classic conspiracy theories notwithstanding, I do suspect there exists some sort of pan-generational, extra-national cadre of humans who imagine they can manage things globally. The coalition of armed partners implementing our current strategy, whether under the direction of an alleged cadre of invisible genius puppet masters or, as is just as likely, under the misdirection of a bunch of half-witted backstabbing sociopaths, has at its disposal an unimaginable arsenal of destructive power dedicated to heading off … or micromanaging … the sort of existentially upsetting debacles that might in the past have more easily threatened its hegemony.
This coalition of armed partners which the American military/intelligence complex co-leads today includes the 32 NATO members, as well as the overlapping “Five Eyes” group of the Anglosphere (USA, UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand) and, one must add, Israel. Although an increasingly diverse and somewhat fractious “coalition,” it was formed out of the cauldron of experiences endured by Western Civilization since Hellenic times. With genetic, possibly collectively unconscious memories of Mongol hordes sweeping into our world from the east in the 13th and 14th centuries, lopping the heads off literally everybody except the hottest women, we western European descendants of the flinty survivors who beat back the invaders have carried a big, ugly chip on our shoulder ever since.
Cellular level enmity seems to remain between the descendants of western Europeans and any peoples having inherited a greater percentage of Mongol heritage: these include the people of China, India, the Middle East, Russia, the “stans” of south central Asia and much of eastern Europe, even into Germany. In World War I and II, you probably don’t recall, German soldiers were referred to by British, French and American fighters as “Huns.” Actual Huns, incidentally, predated the Mongols by about 1,000 years or so, but came roaring similarly out of central Asia, riding horses, lopping heads off and empire building, all the way into Germany and the Roman Empire. Europeans returned the favor a number of times through the ages, care of the Greeks going after the Persians, the Romans marauding into the Middle East, Western European Christian warriors repeatedly invading the Levant during the Crusades era, and so on, adding to the historical east/west baggage.
Accordingly, in relatively recent history, the agents and financiers of the greater British Empire and its surly American offspring have been busily plotting, dividing and conquering across Asia and the rest of the globe for a few centuries now to try and keep things relatively tamped down. Any center of economic, political or cultural significance arising out of anywhere on Earth except North America and the northern and western reaches of the former Roman Empire are considered an existential threat. Proxies around the planet are lavishly supported, and are periodically arrayed against any uppity unaligned entities as they pop up and start trying to nationalize resources, build unsanctioned military power (perhaps including nuclear arsenals), elect socialist leaders who try to cut their suffering hordes in on some profits or shitcan the dollar.
In the wake of the discovery and utilization of basic electromagnetism, the planet’s airwaves and nascent digital realms have all been colonized, balkanized and compromised by the empire’s media conglomerates and information managers as well. This now includes legacy and independent/alternative media in America and every other country, on every continent. It includes nearly all social media, news and informational platforms, including X and no doubt Substack, someday soon. It is why literally ALL of us, without exception, domestically and internationally, get parsed into various ungainly, self-defeating silos by means of religion, culture, identity, societal pressures and so on, all while simultaneously being surveilled, censored and spoon-fed our opinions, information and ideals.
Which is also why we’re where we are today, reportedly teetering on the edge of either the dreaded Fourth Reich (and World War III) or a Golden Age of Freedom (and quite possibly World War III as well).
Anyway, I’m starting to bore myself. I will say it here; and not in a short blurb-y shout out on X or Facebook: I did NOT vote for Donald Trump. I never did, never would, and never will vote for anyone aligning him- or herself even casually with a single religio-fascist activist who believes Armageddon is a thing to be worked toward or who wants to keep women subservient and pumping out hordes of other little Jesus or Mohammad or whatever cultists. Nor am I a “libtard” or “socialist,” or a sufferer besieged with the elusive and ill-defined “woke mind virus.” As my lovely wife will attest, I’m nearly as annoying, foul-mouthed, insensitive and inappropriate as the Trumpster himself in everyday conversation. In fact, the dude reminds me of my asshole of a dad (RIP)… who I still love and grudgingly respect, despite his many astonishing drawbacks. I don’t “hate” Donald Trump, even though he’ll never get my vote. And I don’t hate his supporters, many of whom are my friends, and most of whom don’t want to be caught suffering bullshit, just as I don’t.
But bullshit is what they’re suffering from, by as massive a load as is being foisted on “the left” by the so-called “legacy media” that our burgeoning legion of populist and alt right digital pundits are busy making mincemeat of.
I don’t really relish being a wet blanket on the parade, but Donald Trump is not going to turn out to be some sort of hero. He’s a multifaceted psyop. I’m reasonably certain that the talented role-playing insult comic/mob boss was recruited into the political arena for a series of reasons, as part of the long-term divide-and-conquer strategy that controls him and everyone else, including Biden, Kamala, Putin, Elon, RFK Jr., you, and, sadly, me. His and his chosen “conservative” contingent’s shitty Ayn Randian attitude toward all the nation’s and the world’s “losers” while maintaining our crushing military hegemony will surely continue to paint us into just as tight a corner as the Democrats’ passive-aggressive pandering to ideologically Marxist speech monitors while maintaining the same crushing military hegemony. Either way, things have a better than even chance of not ending well, unless the suspected deep state geniuses truly know what they’re doing and can keep our enormous empire off the shoals, no matter which bullshit paradigm thinks it’s in charge.
At any rate, it would be wonderful if, across the entire globe — not just in America:
People everywhere could be given the gift of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, along with enough food and a warm, dry, safe place to sleep, without cluster bombs, wildfires or once-in-a-millenium storms ripping up their shit;
The air, land, water and food everywhere were clean and old-school natural, and not causing our tender bodies to erupt in cancer and autoimmune diseases;
Medical care everywhere was comprehensive, life-affirming and affordable;
People’s races, identities, religions, moralities, beliefs, customs, opinions, etc. could be engaged with in a vastly more ecumenical, even-handed manner, without animus, and without the knee-jerk tendency to try and legislate or bully their differences out of existence;
The behind-the-scenes scions of the British/American/Franco/Roman/Israeli empire, whomever they really are, and the leaders of the remaining global nexuses of influence (China, Russia, India, Pakistan, the BRICS nations, Iran and the Shia world, Saudi Arabia and the Sunni world, Japan, Mexico and Hispanic Caribbean/Central/South America, etc., could be induced to place a moratorium on their mutual hatreds, revenge fantasies, trust issues, plot-hatching, undermining, subverting and murdering for a day or ten to convene and just sit and talk seriously about how to avoid destroying each other and ourselves. Then do it again, a few months later. And again. And again.
There’s a lot more to bloviate unhelpfully about, but I’m running out of steam, for now. Maybe Donald Trump and JD Vance and RFK Jr. and Vivek Ramaswamy and Elon Musk and Tulsi Gabbard and the whole Right-Leaning America First and fuck everybody else crowd that enabled this highly unlikely, structurally unstable assemblage to coagulate and beat the big, bloated neocon/neolib machine and its CIA/FBI/MI6/Mossad/Big Pharma/Pentagon handlers will be able to make us all healthy, wealthy and wise, both here on Earth and on Mars. But I’m not holding my breath. From here so far it looks like the swamp may just be replaced with swamp gas, big Jesus statues, killer drones, razor wire, degradation and death.
Very on point. Are you writing a new novel? Can I steal your tactic of using fake pictures of celebrities praising your book? if I credit/blame you?
Thats a healthy dose of Cynicism, just what the doctoir ordered.
When Skeptisism is no longer cutting it Cynicism is the Answer not Timonism