Well that was unexpected! Im actually a funk drummer but just gunna hit the sings now and see what shakes. Off-grid in the forest keeps dickheads far enough away for now.
Holy. Fucking. Shit. I’m sitting in a bourgeois-y coffee house near Vassar College, listening to your two links with decent headphones, and getting as close to weeping with joy as I ever get these days. Both pieces are great. The Watch List one just moved onto my murky, totally uncurated all-time favorites list. I wouldn’t mind spreading it around if that’s not against your wishes. I don’t believe in anything, much less the concept of “synchronicity,” but you never know …
Please do. Similar to you i have eschewed engagement with the 'populace' but i have been transformed by being hated by Covidians and now put it out there. Id love to keep doing music till i drop dead now. Good onya Biff.
Well im gen x. Australian and extroverted but i really resonated with your feelings of Anarchy which only intensified with Covid.
Great writing. I wont bother linking my music.
I rap.
Thanks human.
Well that was unexpected! Im actually a funk drummer but just gunna hit the sings now and see what shakes. Off-grid in the forest keeps dickheads far enough away for now.
Link your music. Rap is good.
Heres two
Holy. Fucking. Shit. I’m sitting in a bourgeois-y coffee house near Vassar College, listening to your two links with decent headphones, and getting as close to weeping with joy as I ever get these days. Both pieces are great. The Watch List one just moved onto my murky, totally uncurated all-time favorites list. I wouldn’t mind spreading it around if that’s not against your wishes. I don’t believe in anything, much less the concept of “synchronicity,” but you never know …
Please do. Similar to you i have eschewed engagement with the 'populace' but i have been transformed by being hated by Covidians and now put it out there. Id love to keep doing music till i drop dead now. Good onya Biff.